Stream of Consciousness

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be wise

  • public value The 4 Principles Wizcorp
  • Always learning

    • Sometimes we are hired to do a job at which we already excel, or have done many times in the past. Being wise is making sure that we always try to deepen our understanding, even on the topics we are good with
  • Open to new ideas

    • This is similar to the previous one. Being open to new ideas is to understand that there isn't just one "right" way of doing things, and every time we decide on a solution, we are not choosing its alternatives. Also, new ideas tend to be "weaker" than older ideas, because they don't have the benefit of experience or adoption. I think it's important to remember that when discussing potential solutions
  • Seeing long term

    • A lot of the problems we solve everyday are short-term problems. Seeing long-term is trying to foresee the impact that the solution to a simple problem today may have in 6 month or 1 year of time. Of course, it means that the first phases of design may take longer, but the extra time we spend at the beginning can make a big difference in the long run
be wise