Stream of Consciousness

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Premeditation of Adversity

  • evergreen Stoicism public
  • By visualizing all the wrong that could occur in any giving situation, we can emotionally prepare ourselves for the worst, and make sure we won’t overreact to it if it happens.
  • It’s also a powerful mechanism to keep our expectations in check. We can feel optimistic and hopeful about the day when we wake up in the morning, but we will eventually encounter some form of adversity. Being mentally prepared for it will allow us to focus on the bright side of things, the actual progress, and not being sidetracked by frustration or exasperation.
  • Begin the morning by saying to yourself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial, Marcus Aurelius

  • References:
Premeditation of Adversity