Advance the art of business leadership through hands-on training and coaching led by dynamic businesspeople
Be a global firm of uniquely skilled executives who teach managers around the world how to be great leaders
Advance the art of business leadership through hands-on training and coaching led by dynamic businesspeople
Be a global firm of uniquely skilled executives who teach managers around the world how to be great leaders
If culture contributed to your organization reaching a goal, make that linkage explicit. Let people know when you communicate results that culture was a big part of that overall result
- Balanced scorecards can be an effective way to achieve that
After all , as the adage goes , what gets measured gets done . (Location 4129), Multipliers (highlights)
Advance the art of business leadership through hands-on training and coaching led by dynamic businesspeople
Be a global firm of uniquely skilled executives who teach managers around the world how to be great leaders
Take a look at your strategic plan. What initiatives are you pursuing? How do they tie to culture? Do your teams understand those linkages between the initiative and the culture you're trying to build? If not, explain the link. If the initiative isn't consistent with the culture you're trying to build, you probably need to stop pursuing that initiative
Then , there’s the reality that Rockstars want to work with other Rockstars . You create synergies by assembling Rockstars . If you can’t attract them at every position , maybe your company’s mission isn’t very compelling . Or maybe it’s the leadership you’re providing … or failing to provide (Location 243)
Culture is one element of high performance, the other is delivering results
If culture contributed to your organization reaching a goal, make that linkage explicit. Let people know when you communicate results that culture was a big part of that overall result
- Balanced scorecards can be an effective way to achieve that
People do what they have an incentive to do
If you want your team to embrace your culture, you need to illustrate how the culture is tied to and drives performance. Those links need to be made both at the organizational performance level as well as on individual performance
Leaving someone in place who needs to be removed because they violate cultural norms is poisonous. Everyone knows the person should face consequences. When they see nothing happen, they conclude you're more interested in results than culture. They'll believe there are no consequences for misbehavior.